What we do

Amusca develops the most efficient waste to high-quality animal nutrition, added-value products, and biochemicals factories: clean, green, and natural, the cornerstone of circular agriculture.

Leveraging Amusca's deep knowledge of insects and products, our partners work side-by-side with customers to make our advanced technology work to their advantage.

Amusca's guiding principle: It is essential to treat people, animals, and the environment with respect. Our success depends on healthy insects living in efficient, high-quality housing.

Our knowledge of insects inspired us to develop insect technology that allows you to introduce insect larvae into your operation. Without the hassle of mass breeding insect larvae, you can do this without outsourcing this specialized process to Amusca, your insect service provider.

Our mission

Our mission is to use the huge potential of insects for the benefit of the global population and make a sound contribution to the Protein Challenge 2040: meet the protein needs of 9 billion people in a way that is affordable, healthy, and good for the environment.

The starting point

We started by asking ourselves the question: how to make cost-effective scalable mass production of larvae possible?

Since 2009  we pioneered, exploited and learned the hard way that creating ‘insect factories’ on a large scale lead to a wide range of technical, social, financial and sustainability concerns. As such, we decided to start experimenting with modular building block solutions to enable local mass production of larvae for use in the poultry, aquaculture and petfood markets.

The potential of insects is staggering. We are now ready to revolutionise the way mankind can benefit from the huge potential of insects.

The Natural way - scientificaly prooved

Scientists all over the world have produced research with spectacular insights. Scientific research has confirmed that larvae improves the health and welfare of animals in a natural way. Larvae contain valuable substances such as essential amino acids, vitamins, minerals and chitin. In addition, they have been shown to possess bactericidal, antifungal, antiviral, antitumor immunomodulatory, antioxidant, antiinflammatory, antiatherosclerosis, and hepatoprotective activities in vitro and in vivo.

Our challenge is to improve the health of animals in a natural way by using the potential of the larvae.

Amusca is the Musca Domestica (housefly) specialist

We are passionate about discovering new qualities of this industrious insect. Based on indepth research, knowledge of the genetics and patiently applying selection processes we develop Musca strains that deliver superior results for our clients.

During our breeding processes we are quite aware about our responsibility towards our natural environment. We use breeding methods that are close to natural circumstances and the larvae are not genetically modified.

Amusca provides each module with a specialised variety Musca Domestica population. They produce an enhanced quantity and quality of the insect larvae.